Syntackle - A software development blog covering topics & tutorials related to the web, javascript, jamstack, serverless, developer tools and much more.

Issue With NVM Node Version Across Terminals: Command Node Not Found

You might have encountered this issue with switching node versions with nvm - where if you do "nvm use <version>", the version is switched correctly in the current terminal shell, but if you try to use node on a new terminal shell or in a different terminal, you get a command node not found error. [...]

App Defaults 2025 - with some AI stuff

A list of curated apps I use and will probably keep using for the rest of 2025 - continuing my spree of documenting app defaults which I started in 2023. [...]

3 Steps To Think Like A Software Developer

Three steps to better approach the problem given at hand, find the solution and level up your problem-solving skills as a software developer/engineer. These steps help you achieve a developer mindset. The first step to understand what’s going on is to understand it on a granular level. Given a complex problem, try to dissect it into smaller parts. [...]

Mac Setup For Developers [2025]

Setting up a new Mac for development can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to MacOS or don't know where to start. In this guide, I'll tell you about some tools, apps and tips which are essential for a decent developer experience on a Mac. To keep it simple, I will break them down into categories such as terminals, editors, and other developer tools. [...]

Better - An AI powered Code Reviewer

Code reviews have always been crucial in maintaining a standard and emphasizing on the best practices of code in a project. This is not a post about how developers should review the code, it's more about delegating a part of it to AI. Introducing Better - An AI powered Code Review Tool. [...]

Server Sent Events 101

Server Sent Events (SSE), as the name suggests, are a way to communicate with the client by keeping a persistent connection in which the server sends text messages to the client whenever they are available. [...]

"this" Keyword in Arrow Functions

The "this" keyword in javascript is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts of javascript. In this article, you will see how the "this" reference is different in arrow functions introduced in ES6 as compared to regular function expressions. [...]

5 Newsletters Every Developer Should Read

Newsletters can be hard to follow along, especially when you subscribe to too many of them. That's why, today you will get to know about five newsletters every developer should follow and read. [...]

I tried "" in Chrome

At the time of this writing, Google Chrome has started shipping experimental AI features such as "built-in AI" in Chrome's Dev/Canary channels. In this tutorial, you will get to know how you can try the built-in AI model in chrome dev. [...]

Create a Node Server using Hono under 10 Lines of Code

Hono, as per the docs, was originally built for Cloudflare Workers. It's an application framework designed to work the best for cloudflare pages and workers as well as javascript runtimes Deno and Bun. Although not built specifically for Node, an adapter can be used to run it in Node. [...]