
Server Sent Events 101

Server Sent Events (SSE), as the name suggests, are a way to communicate with the client by keeping a persistent connection in which the server sends text messages to the client whenever they are available. [...]

Create a Node Server using Hono under 10 Lines of Code

Hono, as per the docs, was originally built for Cloudflare Workers. It's an application framework designed to work the best for cloudflare pages and workers as well as javascript runtimes Deno and Bun. Although not built specifically for Node, an adapter can be used to run it in Node. [...]

Running PostgreSQL using Docker

In this quick tutorial, you will get to know how you can run postgresql inside a docker container terminal using "psql" (a terminal interface to interact with postgresql databases). [...]

Issue With Watching File Changes in Docker

The fix to watching file changes (hot reloading) in docker (Windows) is to use polling. Polling is a way to periodically check for changes. If you want to avoid polling, docker provides a way to watch file changes with the help of "docker compose watch". [...]

Docker — Containerizing a Nextjs Application

Containerization in it's entirety is an incredibly useful concept. From being able to execute applications in isolation, to being able to port them easily with all of their dependencies and configuration is all a developer could ask for. [...]

WebSockets 101

WebSockets implement a full-duplex, bi-directional, TCP-based protocol, denoted by ws(s)://, which enables a persistent connection between the client and the server. Back when websockets weren't a thing. [...]

Deploying React App to Netlify

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can deploy a react app on netlify from an existing git repository of yours. [...]

Create and Deploy an Express.js App to Vercel

Vercel is a platform to host frontend applications and static sites but you can also host an express app using serverless functions. Recently, it also announced Vercel Postgres [...]