App Defaults 2023 — What I use

Murtuzaali Surti
Murtuzaali Surti

• 1 min read

Updated On

The other day, I stumbled upon a post by @robb which in turn led me to this post about app defaults. Following the spree, here's my list of all the apps I use for the following categories:

  • 📨 Mail Client - Gmail

  • 📝 Notes - Notion, Obsidian

  • 📆 Calendar - Google Calendar

  • 📁 Cloud - Google Cloud, OneDrive

  • 📖 RSS - rssed

  • 🌐 Browser - Chrome, Brave, Firefox

  • 💬 Chat - WhatsApp, Discord

  • 🔖 Bookmarks - Notion Web Clipper, Chrome Bookmarks

  • 📜 Word Processing - Notion, Obsidian

  • 📈 Spreadsheets - Google Sheets

  • 🎤 Podcasts - Google Podcasts, PocketCasts

  • 🔐 Password Management - Bitwarden

  • 🧑‍💻 Code Editor - VS Code

  • ✈️ VPN - ProtonVPN

Honorable mentions

  • 📝⚡ Quick note-taking - numbr - useful for quick note taking involving numbers, currency or any numeric values.

Further Reads 📜

Elegant Console Logs With Consola


Completed Advent Of Code: Day One
