
How to Use DeepSeek-R1 AI Model: A Comprehensive Guide

DeepSeek's AI model "DeepSeek-R1" (a.k.a deepseek-reasoner) is the most talked about AI model at the time of this writing. The primary way to use any of the deepseek AI models is to go to their API platform, get an API key and use the OpenAI SDK to make calls to the API. Another route involves OpenRouter — which basically routes your request to appropriate providers for the model you specify. [...]

React Compiler Integration With Astro (Vite)

Astro, which is a meta-framework, uses Vite, and the React compiler (which is currently in beta) can be integrated with Vite to improve the performance of your React application — and that's exactly what I will be showing you how to. Also, there's a package named "react-scan" which you can use to test the performance of your application. [...]

Issue With NVM Node Version Across Terminals: Command Node Not Found

You might have encountered this issue with switching node versions with nvm - where if you do "nvm use <version>", the version is switched correctly in the current terminal shell, but if you try to use node on a new terminal shell or in a different terminal, you get a command node not found error. [...]

I tried "window.ai" in Chrome

At the time of this writing, Google Chrome has started shipping experimental AI features such as "built-in AI" in Chrome's Dev/Canary channels. In this tutorial, you will get to know how you can try the built-in AI model in chrome dev. [...]

Create a Node Server using Hono under 10 Lines of Code

Hono, as per the docs, was originally built for Cloudflare Workers. It's an application framework designed to work the best for cloudflare pages and workers as well as javascript runtimes Deno and Bun. Although not built specifically for Node, an adapter can be used to run it in Node. [...]

Running PostgreSQL using Docker

In this quick tutorial, you will get to know how you can run postgresql inside a docker container terminal using "psql" (a terminal interface to interact with postgresql databases). [...]

Using Fontsource With 11ty

For quite some time, I was searching for a way to self host google fonts because the google fonts API's network request increased the render blocking time more than I expected. [...]

Setting Background Color of Body Dynamically in React

You can specify the background color of body in a global stylesheet, but it's not easy to update the background color dynamically for different pages in your website. So, I went on to code a hacky but working patch using CSS custom properties. [...]

Minify JavaScript Using Terser

Terser is a javascript compressor and mangler supporting ES6+ specification. In this tutorial, you will get to know how to use terser to minify or compress javascript. [...]

Deploying React App to Netlify

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can deploy a react app on netlify from an existing git repository of yours. [...]

How to vendor prefix and minify CSS?

Writing CSS from scratch along with adding vendor prefixes can be a daunting task if done manually. Vendor-prefixes can be easily added using the autoprefixer plugin of PostCSS. [...]

Deploy an Express.js App to Vercel — Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show how you can create an express.js app from scratch and deploy it to vercel. [...]

How to compile SASS/SCSS into CSS and watch for changes?

SASS/SCSS extends CSS which means that you can have all the features of CSS plus the features of SASS just like a cherry on top of a cake! [...]

How to make a QR Code generator using JavaScript?

While you can generate QR codes for URLs in browsers such as Chrome, it's always interesting to learn how you can make your own version of a simple QR code generator. So, here we go. [...]

Skeleton Loading for Social Media Embeds using CSS and JavaScript 🔥

Social media embeds take some time to load and render, hence the user experience is not so good! Here's an example of twitter embeds.. [...]

How to create Google's Material Design Text Input Field using CSS and JavaScript?

In this tutorial, we are trying to recreate Google's text input field animation and design from scratch with the help of CSS as well as JavaScript. [...]

How to create an HTML generator with JavaScript?

Ever tired of writing multiple lines of similar HTML? If you are, then you can automate the process by using template literals in JavaScript. Let's see how we can do that. [...]

How to create a notification badge with CSS?

Notification badges annoy me most of the times by popping up every now and then and I am pretty sure most of you experience similar thing, but anyways, let's see how we can create a notification badge using CSS. [...]